Principal contact

You can appoint a 'principal contact' for your business name. The principal contact will receive copies of all business name correspondence.

Principal contacts can be appointed by:

  • a partnership
  • an unincorporated body or association
  • a trust, or
  • a joint venture

You must send us a notice confirming the appointment. The notice must be signed by the business name holder.

If the business name holder is

The notice must be signed by

A partnership

Each partner within the partnership.

An unincorporated association or body

Each member of the committee of management of the association or body.

A trust

Each trustee.

A joint venture

Each joint venture partner.

If you have been appointed as the principal contact of a business name, you must make sure your details are kept up-to-date on the register and any changes are made within 28 days.

How to appoint, remove or update details of a principal contact

Step 1 - Download the paper form

Change details of other business name representatives (296KB) 

Step 2 - Complete the details

Complete the form.

Step 3 - Send the form to us

You can email the form to

You can also send it by mail to

Australian Securities & Investments Commission
PO Box 4000
Gippsland Mail Centre
VIC 3841

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Last updated: 10/06/2014 12:00