media release (16-283MR)

ASIC’s Corporate Plan 2016–17 to 2019–20 and Focus for 2016–17


ASIC today published its Corporate Plan for 2016–17.

The Corporate Plan outlines ASIC’s vision: To allow markets to fund the economy, and in turn, economic growth. In doing so, contributing to the financial well-being of all Australians. We do this by:

  • promoting investor and consumer trust and confidence;
  • ensuring fair and efficient markets; and
  • providing efficient registration services.

The Corporate Plan explains how we will achieve our vision, by outlining:

  • the long-term challenges to our vision
  • our strategy for responding to our long-term challenges and key risks, including:
    • our ‘detect, understand and respond’ approach
    • how we are strengthening our capabilities
    • our specific actions for addressing our long-term challenges and key risks, including the key areas to which we will pay particular attention over the four years to 2019–20 and the key areas we will focus on in 2016–17
    • how we will measure and evaluate our performance.

The long-term challenges to our vision are:

  • aligning conduct in a market-based system with investor and consumer trust and confidence
  • digital disruption and cyber resilience in our financial services and markets
  • structural change in our financial system through market-based financing, which is led by the growth in superannuation
  • complexity in financial markets and products, driven by innovation
  • globalisation of financial markets, products and services.

For the first time this year, we outline our view of 'what good looks like' for the sectors we regulate.

The Corporate Plan also outlines how we will continue to provide efficient registration services.

ASIC Chairman Greg Medcraft said, ‘Ensuring that Australians can have trust and confidence in the financial system and that markets are fair and efficient is at the heart of everything we do at ASIC.’

‘Gatekeepers play a crucial role in the overall health of the financial system. Their conduct influences the level of trust and confidence that investors and consumers can have in the financial system.’

‘Significantly, the additional funding support announced by the Government over the next four years will enable us to better detect misconduct through more proactive surveillances that target poor practices – at the individual firm and industry level – within the financial advice, superannuation and managed funds, credit, and insurance sectors.’

‘We are a learning organisation and are focused on continuing to develop our capabilities that will support the delivery of this Corporate Plan and ensure we are well equipped to meet future challenges.’


ASIC's Corporate Plan 2016-2017 to 2019-2020

What good looks like - extract from Corporate Plan (pdf 1 MB)

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