Business names

You can search our register for information on registered and cancelled business names. This includes the business name holder, their ABN, and any other details.

Search for a business name now

Search types and information available in ASIC Connect

You can perform a number of different business name register searches by using ASIC Connect.

Business names index search

Provides a list of registered and cancelled business names and any details we have for them.

Business name holder (individual) search

By searching using a person's name, you can see any related business names that they are linked to.

Business name holder (organisation) search

By searching using an organisation's name, you can see any related business names they are linked to.

Full details on the information available can be found on ASIC Connect

Check if the business name you want is available

If you want to register a business name but don't know if the name is available, use our 'Check name availability' search. You can also read more about business name availability and the tests we apply.

Check if the name is available

Paid search extracts

Most of the information on the Business Names Register is available free of charge. Some information is only available by purchasing an extract.

The fee charged will depend on the type of extract you purchase. It is a good idea to check the free information available before paying for an extract. See more information on our search fees page.

You can buy a current and historical business name extract using ASIC Connect.

Extracts for business name holders cannot be purchased online. You will need to complete an Application for person and organisation information from the business names register (PDF, 233KB).

Some of the extracts you can buy include:

What information is not available?

Personal information is not available to the public for privacy reasons. This includes a person's date and place of birth and residential address.

Sometimes, the principal place of business will be the same as the holder's residential address. In these instances, only the city/suburb, state and postcode will be shown.

The service of documents address will always be displayed in full, even if it's the same as the holder's residential address. We will accept a post office box as the service of documents address

You can request that we supress some details on the register. If we approve a request to suppress details, we'll remove information from our registers. The word 'suppressed' will appear where information has been suppressed.

Displaying your business name record of registration

A business name holder does not need to display their certificate of registration. This rule was removed in 2012.

Businesses must display their business name in places where they are open to the public. For example, on their shopfront.

Searching our business name index is the best way to determine the current status of a business name.

Serving documents on a business name

Some business names may only have a postal address listed in full when you search the register. In some states, the documents can only be served on a physical (or street) address.

Check your local law to determine which address should be used.

Searches by government

Government bodies are able to access the Business Names Register for free (in some cases).

Some agencies may also access information that is not available to the public as part of their work. For example, birth and residential address details. Business names legislation outlines the information that government agencies can access.

More information about government access

Information brokers

Information brokers offer services for obtaining information from ASIC and other sources.

More information

What is an ASIC key?

Your ASIC key is a unique number used in ASIC Connect that helps us establish your identity and protects your business information by making sure only you and those you have authorised can access it.

Learn more about ASIC keys

What is a corporate key?

A corporate key is an 8-digit number uniquely associated with a company’s ACN. Your company needs only one corporate key.

Learn more about corporate keys

What is an invitation key?

An invitation key is a unique key to register for, or connect to an entity in, the ASIC Regulatory Portal.

Learn more about invitation keys 

What is an industry funding security key?

Your industry funding security key is a unique number used to launch an online transaction in the ASIC Regulatory Portal that will enable us to calculate your final industry funding invoice. You will be prompted to submit business activity metric information on the operation of your business in the previous financial year.

Learn more about industry funding security keys

Last updated: 22/11/2022 05:48